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Train to Coorg

Rail Map for Coorg
Railway route and major Train Stations (Code) around Coorg region.

Rail Map for Coorg


here are no direct rail connections to Coorg. The nearest rail line to Madikeri town is the Mangalore to Hassan railway line with Sakleshpur or Subrahmanya as the closest railway stations.

This route located north of Coorg along a east-west direction. Sakaleshpur to Madikeri distance is about 90 km ( 56 miles ) and Subrahmanya to Madikeri distance is approximately 70km (44 miles).

Other than the slow passenger trains, this route has only one express train in service.

Train No. 6517 / 5618 Mangalore-Yasvantpur Express operates in this route.

A more practical railway station for Coorg is Mysore (Code MYS).

Madikeri is about 115km ( 72 miles ) from Mysore city. That means, you have to depend on either a regular bus service of hire a cab for the Mysore to Madikeri stretch.

Mysore is a well connected city both by rail and road. There are many long distance trains to Mysore.

Other possible railway connections to Coorg include Hassan and Mangalore. Distance from Hassan to Madikeri is about 105km ( 65 miles).

If you are traveling by the Konkan railways ( coastal route along the west coast ) , Mangalore is a major railway station for Coorg. From Mangalore to Coorg the distance is about 135 km ( 84 miles ). Also there are many railway stations in north part of Kerala with road links to Coorg.

Coorg TipsCheck out the long distance train schedules for Mysore, Mangalore or Hassan. These are practically the rail gateways for Coorg.

How to Reach Coorg : Places around Coorg with train and Flight connectivity

Places around Coorg with train and Flight connectivity

How to Reach Coorg

How to Reach Coorg : Places around Coorg with train and Flight connectivity

Rail route map for Coorg

How to reach Coorg by train...

Railway Stations for Coorg

Rail route map for Coorg

Everything About Coorg!
Bangalore to Coorg via Mysore
Bangalore to Coorg

Bangalore to Coorg distance of about 260 km by road, that's if your destination in Coorg is the Madikeri town.

How to Reach Coorg
How to explore Coorg?

Coorg is relatively large district (and not single destination) with its attractions scattered all around. For example north to south of Coorg, the distance is well over 100 km.