Gundya to Kukke Subramanya distance is about 21km.
You would see a KSRTC bus every 15 minutes towards Kukke Subramanya from the Gundya check post junction. This is a T junction in the middle of the forest just about where the Shiradi Ghat road starts.
It's a 20-30 minutes journey through the forest before the bus drops you at the last point, the KSRTC Bus Station in Subramanya. Also you may get down at the Kumaradhara Junction a couple of kilometers before the town square. Kumaradhara junction is near where the where the bathing ghat is located by the Kumaradhara Riverside.
Also a number of hotels , lodges and homestays in Subramanya is around the Kumaradhara junction.
If you are driving, it's quite easy for you to miss this diversion to Kukke Subramanya, especially in the foggy-rainy Shiradi ghat. Watch out for a series of wayside shops on your left (when driving from Sakleshpur side). As you negotiate the bends in this past of the ghats, these rows of shops all the glitters typical of the wayside tea stalls appears suddenly.
The Subramanya diversion is somewhere in the middle of these clusters of shops.
Bisle Ghat is located on the way to Subrahmaniya from Coorg